A grand jury report has detailed how absentee ballots were mishandled in a village’s 2023 election, outlining procedural ...
With shovels in hand, Bridgeport officials break ground on the proposed Steelpointe Harbor ancillary project that will include a Dunkin, ...
Allegations of voter fraud and illegally handling absentee ballots in Bridgeport has made headlines around the country 2023.
Five suspects charged in Bridgeport’s 2023 absentee ballot fraud investigation were arraigned Thursday. The #1 most popular city in the world to visit, based on data. Plus, see the rest of the top 100 ...
Pataky, Alfredo Castillo, Maria Pereira, Jazmarie Melendez and Margaret Joyce allegedly abused the absentee ballot system in ...
Five Democratic operatives in Connecticut’s largest city have made their first court appearances since being charged with ...
During that race, Wanda Geter-Pataky was seen on surveillance video putting absentee ballots into drop boxes in Bridgeport.
The defendants include three Bridgeport City Council members, the vice chair of the Democratic Town Committee, and a ...
Five suspects charged in Bridgeport’s 2023 absentee ballot fraud investigation are scheduled to be arraigned on Thursday. The suspects were arrested and ...
MD Nurul Hasan, the vice president of Millbourne Borough Council, was indicted by federal prosecutors last week. He now faces ...
There’s no realistic way for anyone to police this, and local prosecutors dealing with more serious crimes likely wouldn’t ...
Roughly one of every 40 Virginians who cast ballots in November’s election did so the same day they registered to vote, a ...