The reason for that should be obvious, as submarine duty requires that you live, work, and potentially even battle enemy forces underwater. However, as the crew of the USS San Francisco learned in ...
the lead vessel of China’s new nuclear-powered attack submarine class reportedly sank while docked, echoing the 1969 sinking of the U.S. Navy’s USS Guitarro (SSN 665) in San Francisco Bay.
It was the result of gross incompetence and bad training in the US Navy. Here’s an overview of major collisions since 2005: USS San Francisco (2005): The submarine struck an undersea mountain near ...
A nuclear-powered attack submarine joined the annual Korea-United States joint military exercise Foal Eagle on Wednesday, ...
Much of the fleet that Heiden photographed has already been scrapped. This attack cargo ship, the USS Tulare, was held inside a larger mining barge in the fleet until 2012, when it was sent to be ...