Some of the biggest-selling rock artists in the world are not reaching streaming benchmarks that many R&B/hip-hop and pop acts are clearing regularly.
They put the 'classic' in classic rock! Here are 10 rock songs that every knows that have continuously been passed on through ...
Clad in a backwards baseball cap and vest, young Olly Pearson from Wrexham came on for his audition carrying a guitar his grandad bought for him. When asked by the judges what his ambition was he ...
AC/DC fans were left in stitches as old rumors about the band's name resurfaced online. The iconic band, formed in Australia ...
Many albums from 1980 forever changed rock guitar. Here’s a look at three differing styles that helped inspire the legends that followed them.
Jeff Apter weaves together interviews, newspaper reports, and background from a memoir that Perkins wrote. His love for music ...
AC/DC remain one of the biggest rock bands in the world, boasting an enduring legacy after bursting onto the music scene ...
Personally, the best music for babies is any tune that your little one loves. They're people, too, with their own musical ...
A Legend's Last Concert: Malcolm Young's retirement following a dementia diagnosis meant this AC/DC stop at Bilbao, Spain, ...
Get your monthly fix of all things music, with issues filled with news,reviews,interviews and more ...
If somewhere in the cosmos there’s a heavy metal god wearing biker gear, controlling earthly events with a Flying V, the year 1980 must have been important to the long-haired deity. Before social ...
Welcome to The Classic Rock Quiz, a new weekly quiz designed to test your knowledge and strain the memory banks: which of you ...