wails Julia. You'd think someone involved might have spotted the irony - that Mona Lisa Smile pretends to champion innovative art but does so in a way that conforms utterly to conventional ...
Art has always been a curator and collector’s first love. Be it the old and ancient paintings created by art masters years ...
An unconventional art history teacher unveils a piece of art for her class, and her students predictably groan about writing ...
Who runs the world? Women do! Like any other human being, women and their contributions to society deserve to be acknowledged ...
According to Professor Dare, “From early encounters in the class, Azu struck me as a young man who was most likely to succeed ...
Art connoisseurs flock to Paris' Louvre to see iconic works like the "Mona Lisa." However, many other less-crowded historic pieces are worth checking out.
2. The enigmatic smile The smile of the Mona Lisa has puzzled experts for centuries. Art historian E.H. Gombrich in The Story of Art (1950) suggests its ambiguity is due to the "sfumato" technique ...
My daughter, who’s pursuing a degree in art education at Western Washington University, occasionally sends me photos of completed assignments, just to show me what she’s been working on. Last week she ...