The current gas situation following Ukraine's decision to stop its gas transit to Europe is absurd, as there's no solution more sensible for Europe than to restore the transit across Ukraine's soil, ...
The EU summit in Brussels is a forum for many diverse stances, where other opinions receive proper respect, but Slovakia has no business taking part in "militaristic meetings of warmongering countries ...
The Christian Democrats (KDH) on Friday urged the other opposition parties not to take part in a potential parliamentary session convened to elect a new House chair, TASR learnt from KDH's press ...
The opposition Progressive Slovakia (PS) party plans to submit a bill to amend the Strategic Investments Act at the March session of Parliament and has called on Environment Minister Tomas Taraba (SNS ...
The nomination of Rudolf Huliak for the post of Minister of Tourism and Sport only proves that the post is a "job given to facilitate the trading of votes in the event of a coalition collapse," said ...
Health Minister Kamil Sasko (Voice-SD) has revoked a Health Ministry regulation establishing protective zones for natural healing sources in Dudince (Banska Bystrica region), announcing on social ...
A tactical civil protection exercise took place at the Government Office in Bratislava on Friday, with security and rescue forces responded to a simulated terrorist attack, Interior Minister and Voice ...
Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD) stated on Friday that in relation to the restoration of land-registry services, access to certain open data should entail charges, following the example ...
Kvitfjell 1. marca (TASR) - Nemecká lyžiarka Emma Aicherová sa teší z prvého víťazstva vo Svetovom pohári. Dvadsaťjedenročná pretekárka vyhrala sobotný zjazd v nórskom Kvitfjelli, keď o tri stotiny se ...
Žilina 1. marca (TASR) - Žilinčania sa budú môcť opäť zbaviť nepotrebných veľkých vecí z domácností. S jarným zberom veľkoobjemového odpadu v jednotlivých mestských častiach začne samospráva 5. marca, ...
Levice 1. marca (TASR) - Deviaty ročník charitatívneho hokejového turnaja kňazov a rehoľníkov sa koná v sobotu na Zimnom štadióne v Leviciach. Na turnaji sa zúčastnia štyri kňazské tímy z celého Slove ...
Trnava 1. marca (TASR) - Polícia vyšetruje 12-ročného chlapca, ktorý komentárom na sociálnej sieti vzbudil podozrenie, že môže byť ohrozený život alebo zdravie verejne známej osoby. Policajti ho stoto ...
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