The deepest part of the ocean is in the Challenger Deep valley of the Mariana Trench, which is about 10,935 metres deep ( ...
Collection of FREE Autumn Science Teaching Resources. Learn about seed dispersal, make an autumn frame and more fall science ...
Sterling silver jewellery tarnishes easily because it contains copper. Copper makes silver stronger, but it binds with particles of sulphur in the air, producing silver sulfide, which is the black ...
Colourful science experiments are often much more engaging for younger children than less colourful activities. Adding colour ...
Birds can fly because they have wings, a streamlined body, strong muscles and very light, hollow bones. The bones of birds are very strong and adapted perfectly to flight. They have a dense, strong ...
A convection current is the movement of a fluid ( such as air or water ) caused by differences in temperature. When part of a liquid or gas is heated, it expands and becomes less dense. The warmer, ...
The Mpemba effect is the term used for hot water freezing faster than cold water after a Tanzanian student named Erasto Mpemba found that his mixture of hot milk and sugar froze faster than his ...
These remarkable female scientists changed the world with their discoveries, paving the way for generations of women to follow their dreams. Read a book and try a science activity related to the story ...