Cygames has revealed the next Shadowverse title, Worlds Beyond. Coming to PC and mobile this June, with a pre-registration window now open on those platforms.
Two Incredible RPGs In One Package Few video games matter more to me than Suikoden and Suikoden II. While it wasn’t my first RPG, or even one of my ...
Fans of the GBA era can check out Pipistrello and the Cursed Yoyo this May. A charming yoyovania full of color, personality and wild yoyo tricks.
For those eager for some rogue, turn-based, tactical mayhem featuring scurvy pirates, you can check out Rogue Waters on Nintendo Switch starting today.
MiTale is working on an ARPG with animal heroes and eldritch horror called Willow Guard. Coming to PC this April, with gorgeous pixelated art style.
Wadjet Eye Games and Dave Gilbert just revealed that time traveling adventure game Old Skies is coming to PC and Nintendo ...
Fans of gorgeous indie brawlers can check out Breeze in the Clouds later this year. From Stormy Nights Interactive and Humble Games, and coming to PC.
Waiting For The Rage In recent years, we’ve seen a significant decline in episodic video games. Once hailed as the future, a ...
Akupara Games and Unwise are teaming up to bring musical automation to PC in Future Vibe Check later this year. Make and protect the music in this trippy game.
Seismic Squirrel is making the 1930's soar in Aether & Iron. A narrative RPG with criminals, smugglers, dice and fast-paced car combat in the clouds.
Dire Kitten Games has announced that magical match-3 Scholomatch will bring sexy magic fun to PC later this year. For now, you can try the new Steam demo.
Main Event Worthy   WWE’s overall television product has been red-hot for the past while. Having finally escaped Vince McMahon's shadow, the past couple of years have seen Paul Levesque take the compa ...