Dean of the College of Engineering; The Ohio State University ...
Human health has been transformed by our collective capacity to engineer immunity — from the pivotal development of the smallpox vaccine to the curative potential of recent cancer immunotherapies.
Data Mining & Analytics; IT Economics; Internet Infrastructure & Operating Systems Network science is an emerging discipline focusing on the analysis and design of complex systems that can be modeled ...
GRA Eminent Scholar, Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering ...
Assistant Professor; Department of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech & Emory ...
Structural Dynamics; Vibrations; Smart Materials & Structures; Energy Harvesting; Acoustic Metamaterials; Acoustics and Dynamics; Smart materials; Piezoelectronic ...
Dr. Garcia's research centers on cellular and tissue engineering, areas which integrate engineering and biological principles to control cell function in order to restore and/or enhance function in ...
Fluid Mechanics: Fluid dynamics, solid mechanics, biomechanics, animal locomotion, and physical applied mathematics. Dr. David Hu's research focuses on fundamental problems of hydrodynamics and ...
We develop chemical and biological tools for research in a wide range of fields. Some of them are briefly described below; please see our group web page for more details. Chemistry, biology, ...
LaPlaca's broad research interests are in neurotrauma, injury biomechanics, and neuroengineering as they relate to traumatic brain injury (TBI). The goals are to better understand acute injury ...
Georgia Research Alliance Lawrence L. Gellerstedt, Jr. Eminent Scholar in Bioengineering ...