W ASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden's symbolic declaration on Friday that the Equal Rights Amendment is “the law of the land” likely only sets up more debates for Congress and the courts ...
It was the latest in a collection of pronouncements that Biden has made in the waning days of his presidency as he tries to tie up loose ends and embroider his legacy ...
Washington (CNN) — President Joe Biden announced a major opinion Friday that the Equal Rights Amendment is ratified, enshrining its protections into the Constitution, a last-minute move that ...
(AP Photo/Rod Lamkey, Jr.) People hold a rally in front of the National Archives to highlight President Joe Biden's decision to declare the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) as the 28th Amendment to ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden announced Friday that the Equal Rights Amendment should be considered a ratified addition to the U.S. Constitution, making a symbolic statement that’s ...