O'Brien quipped during his opening monologue that the number of F-bombs in 'Anora' is "three more than the record set by ...
The writer behind Conan O’Brien’s joke about Kendrick Lamar and Drake at the Oscars said the comedian wasn’t taking sides ...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and ABC tried to stop Conan O'Brien from making a joke about rapper Drake in his monologue for the 97th Academy Awards, apparently. O'Brien also ...
First lady Melania Trump took a swipe at Democratic lawmakers for their low attendance at a roundtable on deepfakes and ...
We all thought the Drake and Kendrick Lamar beef had its final national television moment at the Super Bowl. Nope. Oscars ...
Skyler Higley is one of the newest up-and-coming comedians and writers in the Chicago comedy industry, according to Laugh Factory. In addition, he has written for After Midnight, Conan, and The Onion.
In response to a variety of feedback and opinions on social media, the writer of the Drake and Kendrick quip, Skyler Higley, thanked the powers that be for keeping the joke in the telecast, and has ...
Conan O’Brien’s joke writer for the Oscars 2025 has come in defense of the Kendrick Lamar and Drake joke, which was cracked ...
Oscars joke writer Skyler Higley defended the Kendrick Lamar and Drake joke he wrote for the 97th Academy Awards monologue.
Conan O'Brien's "pedophile" joke at the 97th Academy Awards was reportedly almost shut down by the Academy and the ABC ...
Fans are responding to the scathing joke Conan O'Brien gave at the Oscars that targeted Kendrick Lamar and Drake's rap beef.
Comedian and late-night talk show host Conan O'Brien hosted the 2025 Oscars, delivering many hilarious jokes that leaned into ...