It was disturbing to hear of a second assassin shooting for Donald Trump. This has brought a lot of criticism about the ...
Thus, a Jew can no longer vote for and support the Democrat Party and at the same time maintain any loyalty to an authentic ...
This declaration of faith contains both negation and affirmation. “There is no god” rejects all forms of worship directed to ...
According to media reports, some Indonesian television translators praised Pope Francis for omitting a reference to the Holy ...
It was the kind of quote that, when said by the right person under the right conditions, would inspire bold headlines.
The geographic area we now call Iraq has long sat between empires as a battleground, bridge or frontier ...
"Your country ... has families with three, four or five children," Pope Francis told President Joko Widodo of Indonesia. "Keep it up, you're an example for everyone, for all the countries that maybe .
Ayatollah Ramazani stated, “We need to pay the cost of realization of justice. It is impossible to talk about Arbaeen and not ...
The great lady of Islam passed away in the 10th Hejira year at the age of 65. She supported the Prophet (PBUH) in his mission ...
Hoffmeier has authored and edited 20 books, including Israel in Egypt, Akhenaten and the Origins of Monotheism and The Prophets of Israel: Walking Ancient Paths. He has also written over 100 articles ...
Astrology and religion are two ancient belief systems that have shaped humanity’s understanding of the world for millennia.