Moreland hit the pause button on his career. He took a year off from playing shows, indicating he did it for his own sanity.
Picked-up pieces while noting that the NFL’s new “dynamic” kickoff rule has basically changed nothing . . .
Pray, believe, and receive—or doubt and do without” was a phrase I often heard in my Christian circle. And although it was ...
Sachin Kulkarni took a good look at his life when he turned 40 and decided to get a checkup. After that, everything changed ...
Build a balanced late life. If you want to live until 100, Maddy Dychtwald argues in her research-based “Ageless Aging” that ...
It’s easy to go through life thinking everything around us is just the way it’s supposed to be—until one day, something makes ...
Optimism is often touted as the key to a fulfilling and successful life, with countless stories of people overcoming hardship ...
Art can help us make sense of the world, and these moving poems about life offer a better understanding of the ups and downs ...
At one point, he termed introspection as positive narcissism—that is, Kohut felt it was important and beneficial for humans to understand themselves better, their feelings, thoughts, and actions.
As we go about our day we must spare a thought for those in hospitals struggling ... for justice for the oppressed and wanting a better life for people. Similarly, Muhammed the son of Amina ...
Experiencing some negative thoughts is unavoidable ... Feel like negative thinking is running your life? The good news is that you can absolutely take back the reins — it's all a matter of ...