One of the trains used by Water Train Inc. to haul water to other places. The company’s idea to boost Arizona’s supplies is to haul water is to haul water on freight cars, across the U.S. from ...
New wind turbines would not be allowed within 12 miles of any site zoned for residential use, putting much of the state ...
A measure to ban geoengineering in Arizona has been amended to allow cloud seeding, which has been under study for years.
A Republican lawmaker is pushing a bill that would deregulate helium mining to the benefit of a company with ties to the ...
Maggie Holmberg, economic development manager for the Town of Chino Valley, said the Greater Chino Valley Collaborative, has ...
Arizona's electric utilities are planning for more nuclear power as part of a new look for this energy source and the possibility of small reactors.
They are alarmed. “Nuclear power is problematic on many levels,” said Sandy Bahr, director of the Grand Canyon chapter of the Sierra Club, in a note to The Arizona Republic. “It is bad for ...
The Arizona Game and Fish Department and the Game and Fish Commission are backing a bill to strip the state’s wildlife agency ...
In surfing, there aren’t too many movies that get it right. It’s not even about the surfing, really. The ones that get it ...
Tap Into Milwaukee, presented by Shepherd Express, invites beer lovers, cider fans and seltzer enthusiasts to show up parched ...