Tens of thousands of people in Los Angeles lost their homes to the devastating fires that raged in early January. The Eaton ...
Post-Covid concerns about small landlords are continuing to drive the conversation around renter aid policies.
A man who lost his family-owned gas station in the Palisades Fire wants to build affordable housing in its place, but the idea is being met with some concerns.
Palisades Fire initially started 10:30 a.m. Jan. 7 in Los Angeles County. It has burned 23,706.6 acres after being active for ...
A blaze damaged two adjacent buildings at 1338 South Flower Street, near the Los Angeles Convention Center and Crypto.com Arena.
With her baby due in a little over a month, Marina Morse has been trying to find a stable place to stay after losing her apartment and job in the Eaton Fire.
Over 100 firefighters battled heavy flames in a commercial building fire downtown Monday that spread to a nearby building and took one hour and 37 minutes to put out. The fire was first reported at ...
A new Los Angeles City Council proposal aims to allow single-staircase buildings, a change advocates say would make room for ...
Los Angeles may soon consider how to lower the cost of building apartments by allowing just one single stairway.