The latest Wrestling Observer Newsletter includes a breakdown of the latest updates in Janel Grant's case against Vince McMahon, John Laurinaitis, and WWE.
Road Dogg details the rehearsal behind Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie's infamous 1998 dumpster segment, and how Vince McMahon himself was involved.
This list will count down the ten matches where the lack of chemistry between wrestlers resulted in some of the worst matches of their respective careers.
The list of people to have crossed Vince McMahon in WWE and gone on to enjoy the company’s spotlight certainly isn’t a long one. McMahon oversaw the growth of what is now a billion-dollar entity
Having been forced to retire in disgrace from WWE twice, could Vince McMahon be making a return to the pro wrestling world? Some have speculated that McMahon is looking to launch a new wrestling ...
A top WWE superstar was expected to be book better under Triple H's regime, but the case has been the same as it was during the Vince McMahon days.