Dillon’s Engine 18 and Producer Partnership out of Livingston have forged a relationship that will benefit the ...
Beaverhead County High School Superintendent Megan Conrow said the rules change needed to be made due to the wide range of ...
The University of Montana Western rodeo team rolled out of Glendive after competing in the Dawson Community College Big Sky Conference Rodeo with five individual titles including the women’s all ...
Bloemeke, Brandon Hartmut (Gibbonsville, Idaho) pleaded guilty to the offense of Reckless Driving — 1st Offense; was fined $275; and was sentenced to Jail.
Hunter Dean Bulltail of Billings had a prior sentence revoked in Fifth Judicial District Court. Judge Luke Berger sentenced him to six years in the Montana Department of Corrections, all time ...
Last week’s smoky skies were largely due to new lightning-caused wildfires sparked in Idaho and further west, with growth driven by periodic strong winds.
A 19-year-old Dillon man admitted last week in Fifth Judicial District Court that he choked one woman and injured another in separate incidents that occurred in 2021 and 2022.
Efforts to install a weight scale to more accurately track the amount of trash coming in have progressed slowly, though landfill officials hope the scale will be ready to use ...
A Butte man held in the Beaverhead County Jail denied charges in Fifth Judicial District Court last week accusing him of punching another inmate in the face.
A Dillon man denied last week in Fifth Judicial District Court he endangered another by threatening to kill them and attempting to buy a weapon to that end. Joshua Mark Shanafelt, 40, pleaded not ...