Photography as an end in itself, made to show the ego of the photographers who do it, through their eye, always looking for ...
A small note here: after I written that a hater came to write saying “your photography is boring”. Aside from the thought ...
A clarifications: there are several street documentary photographers making it great. But in fact they are not participating in those festival/awards where the judges are always the president of women ...
Photography is not done in just one way and there are no universal rules to obtain a result. Also because what you want to achieve is often very personal. One of the problems felt by many ...
I share few portraits made in Oaxaca in 2019, during Guelaguetza.
And we start with this stolen portrait, not asking permission in order to preserve that expression. I think that the exposure metering makes the difference here. It could have gone differently, in the ...
In a world where post-processing offers endless possibilities, I choose to limit myself, not as a restriction, but as a way to deepen my craft and stay true to my vision as a black and white ...
I'll quickly summarize my reasons: A camera for my expeditions where I can find myself busy with different kind of photos from portraits to landscape ...
Canon Mexicana and Canon Creators are advertising this workshop as Street Photography, when is not Street Photography starting from the image on the flyer. By making a reseraqch it results that the ...
This is a problem I highlighted several years ago and I received critiques and even sabotage for this, but time showed that I was right. Today photography is more associated with the virtual and, if ...