Activated OSHC is a free program designed to help Outside Schools Hours Care (OSHC) services improve their physical activity and screen time programming.
Campbelltown City Council will use Federal Government funding to install battery storage at five of its early learning centres.
Mr Sharma said that he warned the landlord of the Symonston site against signing a lease with Genius when former provider G8 Education sold 30 of its services to Genius in early 2024. He was poised to ...
Warriapendi Child and Parent Centre in Balga, Western Australia is proving that language doesn’t have to be a barrier to an education.
Esther Wong was half way through a science degree when she made the decision to switch to a career in early childhood.
Specialist language, literacy, numeracy, and digital training is being delivered to PALM scheme workers in ECEC and other sectors/industries.
The ACCC has released guidance on merger reform transition which may be of use to owners and operators in the ECEC sector.
Genesis Safety has won a major award at the WorkSafe Awards held in Melbourne on Thursday 27 February for its award winning innovation, the ‘Raise and Lower Change Table.’ The change table is ...
Registrations are now open for the 2025 Premier’s Reading Challenge – a fun and easy way for early childhood services to encourage families to read together. The challenge encourages families and ...
Expanded playrooms at Newcastle’s Hamilton Childcare Centre have created more space for learning and care, catering to a growing population in the popular New South Wales coastal community.  Funded in ...
A group of early learning advocates, service providers, advocate peak bodies and NSW social services leaders recently lobbied the Federal Government.
Children from 9 Canberra preschools will benefit from School ReadY, a foundational literacy and school readiness program.