Brandon Johnson, Chicago's Mayor

As I look back over the past two years, Mayor Brandon Johnson’s administration has been the opposite of what we hoped for.
Chicago’s sanctuary city policy dates back to 1985 when then-Mayor Harold Washington enacted protections for undocumented ...
Republicans in Congress don't want to talk about President Trump usurping their power. They'd rather try to go viral by ...
Ahead of Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson's testimony in Washington, D.C., here’s a detailed look at migrant arrivals and key developments in the city and suburbs since 2022.
Mayor Brandon Johnson announced his appointment as the Chicago Park District's new CEO days after General Supt. and Chief ...
Mayor Brandon Johnson and his CFO addressed their March 30 deadline to persuade the school board to make a $175 million ...
House Republicans are hyping up this week's hearing with Mayor Brandon Johnson and others to question them about sanctuary policies.