In the popular imagination, Jimmy Carter is associated with ... rights agenda” for US foreign policy. But Carter was also very much a Cold War president. The great theme of the first half ...
The Cold War between the United ... Read more: 10 Terrifying War Drones That Give Us Chills Take one look at the B-1, and it's no wonder Jimmy Carter wanted nothing to do with it.
THE CARTER CENTER: A nonpartisan ... officially unaligned to either the U.S. or the Soviet Union during the Cold War. SALT II: Refers to the second Strategic Arms Limitation Agreement between ...
President Jimmy Carter, who died Sunday ... El Salvador during its bloody 12-year civil war, and trained military leaders. A reminder that the Cold War was not always "cold," 75,000 people ...
“Jimmy Carter,” my late mom would say, “is a good and decent man.” Very conscious of the Cold War shadow ... Second World War,” Clark wrote. “That consonance of view was true generally ...
On a bright January morning in 1979, then US president Jimmy ... Carter grew more alarmed about the growing distrust between the US and China, and frequently warned of a possible "modern Cold War".