Feb. 4 (UPI) --On this date in history: In 1789, George Washington of Virginia, the commander of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War, was elected the first president of the United ...
In 1787, General George Washington presided ... decried it as an invitation to tyranny. Washington, who maintained a studied silence from the president's chair, was the solution.
George Washington was the first president of the United States ... a third term to which he most certainly would have been elected. His particular concern was that the presidency not be viewed ...
If passed, House Bill 1446 would rename Presidents Day to George Washington’s Birthday. Originally established in honor of the first president, the holiday’s meaning has evolved into a ...
The holiday was originally intended to celebrate George Washington, the first president, but it has come to encompass the 45 men who have held the office since. Here's what you need to know about ...