The Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy was founded in 1978 by Professor Robert Hahn at Brandeis University under the name of "The Greater Boston Colloquium for Ancient Philosophy." Initially ...
You unknowingly replace so much of yourself that you eventually become that very paradox: the exact same person, but ...
Philosophy is an ancient discipline, which probably began as early as human civilization, that sought knowledge of all things on earth and in heaven. Knowledge of natural things and their causes lead ...
The Elements in Ancient Philosophy series deals with a wide variety of topics and texts in ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, written by leading scholars in the field. Some Elements will take a theme ...
The contributors examine philosophy as it entered literature ... Accompanying the essays are a 50-page list of works by ancient authors, an invaluable 200-page bibliography, an extensive index locorum ...
Alright, you’ve probably read a zillion articles about happiness online and you’re not a zillion times happier. What gives? <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> Reading ain’t the same ...
Ancient philosophers such as Plato asked conceptual questions such as "What is justice?" as the basis of philosophy. The statements, "That action is wrong," or, "Knowledge is justified true belief," ...
To which I say, aloha. During tough times like these, humanity could benefit from this ancient Hawaiian philosophy. Now, most mainland Americans think "aloha" means "hello," "goodbye," or ...
A survey of major figures and theories from Greek and Roman antiquity to the Christian, Jewish and Islamic world of the Middle Ages, this course offers a critical introduction to philosophic debates ...
They offer timeless wisdom that bridges ancient philosophy with contemporary practice. As yoga evolves, the foundational ...